Immerseum Inc. announces the launch of its new (and inaugural) web site, located at

Immerseum is dedicated to building a platform and ecosystem to help bring museum content into the living rooms and classrooms of adults and children around the world. We’re working with VR designers, museum planners, architects, and grantwriters to help museums broaden their audience, cost-effectively leverage more of their assets, and enrich the experiences of their guests.

For the moment, the Immerseum web site provides little detail on the company. While we’re not technically in stealth mode (“stealth mode” is part of the technology hype cycle, but we’re too busy building a real business to care about keeping things quiet), for the time being the web site is largely meant to provide our stakeholders with information about our development efforts as we approach our prototype release. From time to time, we’ll also be publishing thought pieces on the intersection of museums and virtual reality and the results of our various research projects.

More news to come very shortly! (literally: within minutes of this post going live there will be another one with some announcements)